Thursday, April 23, 2009


Before I say anything.... go here and vote EVERYDAY:〈=en
ok, now i'll explain:

As some of you might be aware of, I'm working on booking a substantial tour for September! I don't want to make any announcements, because things are speculative at best, but in order for me to pull this off, I need a vehicle. (my parent's van won't work, believe me... I've asked!).

I was contacted about a month ago by some people running an online car launch called hypercube... The Cube happens to be a great touring vehicle... its weird square dimensions are perfect for loading gear!

basically, they are choosing 500 Canadians to compete for 50 cars....
The hypercube folk said they loved "late night hero" and thought I'd have a good chance of winning....
I said "cool" and filled out a profile....
lo and behold, I got chosen as one of the 500...
now all I have to do is make it into the top 50 and the car is mine as long as i'm shameless.... since i am, here goes nothing:

Ladies and gentlemen... I give you.............. THE CUBE:〈=en

VOTE FOR ME ONCE EVERYDAY.... make it part of your morning routine, like coffee, sportscenter or cialis

To escalate my cube campaign, I'm hosting a gig called CUBEFEST!
APRIL 29th @ GLOBAL VILLAGE (460 king street west)
NO COVER, show starts at 9:30 pm

If you vote, and email me that you have done so, I will enter your name into a draw!
if I win my new cube and I will be the prize of the draw.... I'll be your designated driver, give you lifts to buy groceries!
If you are out of town, I'll book a gig near you and come visit

here is that link again:〈=en

Hell, the first person who votes and emails me that they've done so will automatically win a free lift if I win the car... everyone else will be entered into the draw and 10 people will win!

Please help me win... tell your friends.... it'd would make my touring plans almost %90 more logistically possible!


P.S. bunch of videos are up on

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